Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy New Year 2009 and 1430H
Dear all my friends and relatives,
Happy new year 2009 and 1430H. May each day lead us to the more happiness, prosperity, comfort, and better condition
Salam BHB, Better Higher and BIGGER
Monday, December 8, 2008
Mid-Test Score of English 1
The score of English 1 Mid-Test has been uploaded and can be downloaded in this blog. Just click on the Mid-Test Score of English 1 on the right bar and download it. Any complaints are welcome. Just let me know it.
Those whose score are under 60 and those who HAVEN'T taken the test SHOULD follow the remedial test on the following schedule:
- 24 Dec 2008 at 08.00 AM in C.2.1 (all majors of morning class)
- 15 Dec 2008 at 04.30 PM in C.2.1 (MI and TI of evening class)
- 16 Dec 2008 at 04.30 PM in C. 2.1 (TI* of evening class)
The material of the remedial test:
- written test
- open dictionary test
- describing the given pictures on the test sheet
Good Luck guys...
Monday, December 1, 2008
Writing 1: TI Students of UMS
Hereby I announce that the next week program in our Writing 1 class will be about making a description text about someone we adore.
Therefore, I inform you all that each of you must bring a picture of someone you adore in your life for example: your mother, your father, your friend, a celebrity, a politician or anyone else. The picture can be a piece of photograph of any size (except 2x3) or taken from a newspaper, magazine or any other media.
As our preparation in the class next week, please study the text and its explanation in our Writing 1 book on page 35.
That's all and good luck. See you in the next week writing adventure ;p
Monday, November 24, 2008
Registering in My E-Learning Class
Those who have registered in my E-Class but cannot login for more than a day, probably there is something wrong with your LOGIN NAME when completing the registration form. So, please remember to fill the LOGIN NAME with your student number (NIM) completely.
I will always delete any applicant who uses incorrect login name.
Thanks and good luck
ISO 9001:2000
The basic aim of having this ISO program is to make the campus management, especially on the teaching and learning process, is carried out well and systematically. Yeah, I just do hope that it is not only getting ISO the certificate but also the improvement of the campus management. I just do hope that everything will be conducted in a better and more systematic way. As what Mr. Iman tols us that we must "start from the true one" or known as "Total Quality Management (TQM)"
Bravo Sinus and from now on, be creatif and innovative to reach the customer's satisfaction...!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
SiE.Com's first project is the wall magazine which will be published monthly. In addition, SiE.Com will also publish its digiMagz as soon as possible. The next regular project is the English hours in which all the members of SiE.Com will use their English anywhere. It doesn't stop here, there will be Film Show, Song Interpretation, Debate, Writing Contest, and more...
So, come on guys...join our community and enlarge your knowledge and mind way with English in SiE.Com !!!!!
Contact: Adhi, TI 08 DIII (08562817586)
Mid-Test of Semester 1
Good luck for the mid-test and get ready with all of the things. However, don't forget to really take care of your health...
Do your best, Allaah does the rest, okey?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
How to Join My E-Learning Class
If you wish to join My E-Learning Class, Please follow the following instructions:
1. Click the My Electronic Class on the right sidebar of this blog
2. Register your self by clicking "Register" with the following consideration when completing the form:
Login Name : Your Student Number (NIM)
Password : The combination of characters and numerics
First name : Your first Name
Last Name : Your last Name
3. Wait for my approval
The approval confirmation WILL NOT be sent to your E-mail address. Therefore be patient.
I will approve it as soon as I am on-lined.
4. Login yourself with your Student Number (as you filled in the enrollment form)
5. Get what you want
Good Luck and see you...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Job Vacancy: (CPNSD 2008; Sragen)
Click here to download
Monday, October 27, 2008
Substitutional assignment for absent student
1. inform me that you will be absent before the class begins (by SMS is OK)
2. visit me in this blog
3. click "My Electronic Class" on the right bar of this blog
4. login yourself. If you haven't got an account yet or if it is the first time you are clicking it, please register yourself then do as istructed.
5. Then, click the course you are in as soon as you reach me in My Electronic Class.
6. Find out the announcement dealing with the assignment for absent students.
7. Do as it is instructed
Remember, it is wise and important enough to consider the due date and time.
Thanks and good luck.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Salam Kampus, a great event for getting to know each other
Well, good luck every body and have fun...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Happy Idul Fitri
For the words wrongly said...
For the promises I break ...
For the acts badly made
From the deep of my heart, I deeply granted for your willingness to forgive all the bad things I either purposedly or accidently done in this holy month.
last but not least, happy lebaran day. Happy idul Fitri 1429 H. May Allaah includes us into a group of people who believe in Him. May Allaah keeps us on His way always. Amiin....
Monday, September 22, 2008
So sorry for the inconvenience while you are opening my blog in
However, if you find it hard to access it or you need a long time for it, please go to
Next, if you find it hard to access the comment to answer the quiz, just click on the title QUIZ OF THE WEEK. Next, if you do not have a google account yet and you do not want to have it, write your name and NIM just right under the answers you wrote.
Thanks, and once again so sorry for the trouble or inconvenience you find. Good Luck
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Class Rules
- Be punctual; 15 minute late is considered ABSENT no matter the reason is.
- 75% attendance is a MUST. Otherwise, you would NOT be allowed to join the final exam.
- The final score is: (Daily Score + Mid test Score + Final test Score) /3
- Consultation is welcome at either this media or after the class
- Any information or announcements dealing with our class will be uploaded in this media
- Anyone of you participating in the QUIZ in this media would be awarded by additional score that would be considered during the final score calculation.
Thank you and good luck for this semester and on.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
9 Foods that Help Burning Fats
To put it simply, protein takes a lot of effort for the body to break down and digest. A lot more than, say, fat. So while your body is working hard to process that protein, you're burning calories. HG tip -- eat fish! Chances are you're not getting enough of it. Not only is fish a fabulous source of lean protein, BUT many types are full of those Omega-3 fatty acids you're always hearing about. Beans are also a wonderful source of protein. And it's no secret how we feel about our friend the soybean. (Let's have a cheer for veggie patties and soy-meats!)
Belly fat is not particularly cute on anyone (except maybe babies), so it's exciting news that whole grains can do a number on that stubborn flab around your midsection. One of the easiest ways to get whole grains into your diet? Oatmeal in the morning. Quaker's Simple Harvest Multigrain Hot Cereal is really good and just full of grains. Also, Kashi GoLean's Hot Cereal packs in 7 whole grains and a big 5 - 7g fiber! Mmmmm...
Ever since you were a kid popping Flintstones Chewables, you've known that Vitamin C is good for you -- and that certainly hasn't changed. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant AND has been shown in studies to help burn fat. So, if you're looking for a snack, how's about a nice, juicy grapefruit? The theory is that grapefruit helps to lower insulin levels, which keeps you from being hungry all the time! We know it smacks of classic diet food, but those Ruby Reds are MIGHTY delicious! If it's too sour for you straight, sprinkle it with some no-calorie sweetener like Splenda or stevia.
Green tea is EVERYWHERE. It's been classified as a "superfood" as it's been linked to reduced rates of heart disease and cancer. And now it helps us lose weight too? Green tea has been shown to raise our metabolism, which is key in our battle with the bad stuff. Researchers also suspect that substances called polyphenols combined with caffeine are responsible for its fat-burning properties. If the hot murky stuff doesn't do it for you, try HG's Green Tea Crème Swappuccino! Only 75 calories and SO GOOD!
You know how when you eat spicy foods, you sometimes start to sweat a little (ew)? That's because it's given a little kick to your heart rate. These little kicks will result in a temporary increase in your metabolism, which will help you burn fat a little easier for a bit. A quick hit with cayenne, red pepper flakes, or whatever hot sauce you fancy should do the trick and get your blood pumping. And these spices are practically calorie-free. Yes!
Hey, dairy queens! Good news! It turns out that people who eat low-fat or fat-free dairy lose MORE weight than people who don't. Sure we mentioned protein before, but it bears bringing up again since the magical combo of calcium and protein seems to work wonders. We're WAY into yogurt, so we suggest picking up some Fage Total 0% Greek Yogurt and mixing in your favorite fruits, sugar-free preserves... or whatever! Also, light string cheese is a GREAT little snack, with only around 50-60 calories and 2.5g fat a pop. Not bad for hard cheese, people.
Experts say it's important to drink lots of water if you're trying to burn fat Your body can't work effectively if it's dehydrated -- not only will you FEEL like you don't have any energy, but also your body really won't have what it needs to function and burn off fat. Keep that machine humming -- drink around 8 glasses of water a day!
Sure this stuff tastes good -- that's why it's found in SO many things. But those chefs might not know that their sprinkling of cinnamon is helping the body process sugar more effectively and lower blood sugar levels. High blood sugar can lead to the body storing more fat, so maybe put together a little shaker of cinnamon and Splenda to sprinkle on your favorite foods! Then whip up some fat-burning cinnamon toast by using your new concoction on whole-wheat bread!
An apple a day isn't going to keep the gym away, but it'll probably make your diet plan more effective. Word on the street is that the pectin contained in apples limits how much fat your cells can absorb. (SWEET!) Plus it's a naturally soluble fiber, which is always good. So next time you feel all snacky, grab whichever apple looks best to you (we love Fujis!).
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Marhaban yaa Ramadhan
(Al Baqarah: 183)
Marhaban ya Ramadhan, may Allaah opens his wide bless for all of us. May Allaah purifies our soul and heart in this pure Ramadhan. Amiin.
Dear friends, dear students, dear sirs and ma'am;
Please forgive all the bad things I've done, all the bad sayings I've said, any things inconvenient that I've made, and all the promises that I break so that I can reach the bliss of Allaah in this Ramadhan..
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Welcome the new academic year of 2008/2009
Remember, just do your best then God does the rest...
Welcome...dear new students of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta and STMIK Sinar Nusantara Surakarta... Welcome to the new campus where you can express your idea to reach your dream freely as a bird flying over the universe...
Friday, June 13, 2008
Good bye my students
This week is the end of our meeting in class either for Writing 2 or English for Academic Purposes. Therefore, I would like to say sorry for all of the inconvenience I made during our classes. My deep thanks go to you all for the active participation during the whole semester.
I tried to do my best, really, however I still feel that there are many things left behind. So sorry for that, ok? Especially for the bad things I said, for the bad things I did, and for the promises I probably broke.
Last but not least, I will miss you all guys especially the fourth semester students for this semester is the last time you are obliged to take the English program from Language Center. It means, this is our last meeting in class. Hmm, I will miss you so.
And for the second semester students, well I just do hope that I would be able to see you again in class in the next semester. I really enjoyed being in the class with you in Pharmacy.
Well, just good luck for all of you guys and never stop trying to do your best in any field you choose.
"Do your best, and God does the rest"
Monday, April 28, 2008
Pharmacy Students of UMS; Semester 2
Topic: Generic medicine (This is the general topic just for your preparation from home; if you prepare it well, I am sure you will find it much easier for you to do the test)
2. Make the HEADLINES and the SUMMARY OF EVENTS from the information given on the test sheet
The Test is an OPEN DICTIONARY test. Therefore, it is an obligatory for each student to bring his/her own dictionary
Don't forget to submit your group's work on NEWS ITEM. Good Luck for all of you guys....
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Learning English is Easy
Well, if I may say that practicing English does not always need a partner. You can practice your English anytime although you have no English speaker beside you. The question is 'HOW COME?" Well, the answer is quite simple. Here are some tips on practicing our English when we are alone:
1. Give a comment to anything that interests you.
Take an example, if you go to a mall and see a very beautiful dress, just simply say 'Wow, that dress is very beautiful. and etc, etc.
2. Use one of your belongings as your partner in practicing your English.
3. Say one sentence as the expression of your feeling either in the morning when you are about to start your day or at night when you are about to close your eyes.
4. Stand in front of the mirror and comment on yourself.
5. If you want, note every sentence/comment you make. After that, go to someone whose English is much better than yours to check.
In conclusion, just say at least one sentence every day to keep you familiar with English. If you do it every day, sooner or later your English will be better than before. So, isn't it easy?
However, I suggest you as well to join any English club or maybe an English course in which you will find a more challenging time to practice your English with a real partner.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Workshop on Class Action Research for Kindergarten Teachers in Surakarta
According to the Leader of the committee, Sri Haryati Fitriasih, M.Kom., this workshop was carried out to give knowledge of research to the kindergarten teachers as it becomes one of the influential requirements in pursuing the teaching certification. So far, the number of the the kindergarten teachers who have carried out the research are still rare in numbers. Therefore, it is hoped that from this workshop, the teachers of the kindergarten will gain enough knowledge and skill to do the research.
The workshop was opened by the Chief of DIKPORA Surakarta, Drs. H. Amsori, SH., M.Pd., He said that DIKPORA Surakarta deeply respected STMIK Sinar Nusantara through its P3M for it has been several times conducting workshops in the last two months. He hoped that the cooperation between the two institutions, P3M STMIK Sinar Nusantara and IGTKI, would continue for the other programs to increase the quality of the education in Surakarta.
The keynote speaker was Drs. Sugiaryo, M.Pd. who presented the material of the class action research. Meanwhile, the second speaker, Drs. H. Hasto Daryanto, M.Pd. gave several tips and games on introducing vocabularies and knowledge to kindergarten students through physical and motorist developing. All of the participants got enthusiastic when Mr. Hasto grouped them into several groups and asked them practice the lesson plans listed on the material given.
On the last day of the workshop, about 95% of the participants were still present. The rest was not able to join for they have other important obligations. Their response toward the workshop was very good. They said that from several workshops and seminars they ever have ever followed, the one held by P3M STMIK Sinar Nusantara was the best and the most luxurious for each participant got a certificate, copy of materials, seminar kit (a block note, a pen, a binder), STMIK Sinus paper bag, coffee break and lunch for two days, and STMIK calendar as well for only Rp. 60.000,00 contribution.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
A. Pharmacy of UMS Semester 2
- Don't forget to consider the elements of text
- Bring your own dictionary (open dictionary test)
- The due date for the submission of the NEWS ITEM assignment (in group) is on the mid-test day and the due-time is 07.00 p.m.
B. Pharmacy of UMS Semester 4
- Study all the seven passages in your EAP book
- The due date for the submission of the group paper is Monday, 21 April 2008 at 07.00 WIB
- The Mid-Semester of English of English 2 will be conducted in written from
- The test material will be taken from the handout (copiedable in Simponi)
- The test is Open Dictionary Test so Prepare it now
- The Listening material is also available (see me to copy)
Dan begitulah kita manusia, terlahir untuk selalu belajar dan belajar supaya hidup tidak hanya satu warna namun berbagai warna sehingga saling mengisi inti-inti jiwa kita demi mewujudkan suatu harmoni serta pencerahan dalam kehidupan.
Dengan belajar kita bisa saling menghargai. Dengan belajar kita bisa saling mengerti. Dan dengan belajar kita bisa saling menghormati hak segala jenis makhluk di alam semesta.
So, jangan berhenti belajar ya...