Wednesday, October 3, 2012

E-Task 1 of BAHASA INGGRIS 3 class (04 Oct 2012)

Dear students of today's English 3 classes (Thursday,04 oct 2012)
Due to the condition that i cannot be in the class today,so here is the replacement task:
1. Study the material of our second meeting in syllabus.doc (pelajari materi yang ada di syllabus.doc)
2. Do the exercises in subject-verb agreement.doc (kerjakan latihan soal di subject-verb agreement.doc)
3. e-mail your work to before 08 PM,Friday,05 oct 2012 (e-mail tugas anda ini ke sebelum hari jumat 05 okt 2012 jam 20:00)
thank you ^_^

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thank You...

Alhamdulillaah, thank you's much better I am now...and here I the class again...meeting friends...sharing things around English...goodluck everyone..nice to have you here..^_^