Monday, April 21, 2008

Workshop on Class Action Research for Kindergarten Teachers in Surakarta

Around 40 teachers of kindergarten in Surakarta followed the workshop on Class Action Research held by P3M STMIK Sinar Nusantara Surakarta and IGTKI Surakarta, 18 - 19 April 2008.

According to the Leader of the committee, Sri Haryati Fitriasih, M.Kom., this workshop was carried out to give knowledge of research to the kindergarten teachers as it becomes one of the influential requirements in pursuing the teaching certification. So far, the number of the the kindergarten teachers who have carried out the research are still rare in numbers. Therefore, it is hoped that from this workshop, the teachers of the kindergarten will gain enough knowledge and skill to do the research.

The workshop was opened by the Chief of DIKPORA Surakarta, Drs. H. Amsori, SH., M.Pd., He said that DIKPORA Surakarta deeply respected STMIK Sinar Nusantara through its P3M for it has been several times conducting workshops in the last two months. He hoped that the cooperation between the two institutions, P3M STMIK Sinar Nusantara and IGTKI, would continue for the other programs to increase the quality of the education in Surakarta.

The keynote speaker was Drs. Sugiaryo, M.Pd. who presented the material of the class action research. Meanwhile, the second speaker, Drs. H. Hasto Daryanto, M.Pd. gave several tips and games on introducing vocabularies and knowledge to kindergarten students through physical and motorist developing. All of the participants got enthusiastic when Mr. Hasto grouped them into several groups and asked them practice the lesson plans listed on the material given.

On the last day of the workshop, about 95% of the participants were still present. The rest was not able to join for they have other important obligations. Their response toward the workshop was very good. They said that from several workshops and seminars they ever have ever followed, the one held by P3M STMIK Sinar Nusantara was the best and the most luxurious for each participant got a certificate, copy of materials, seminar kit (a block note, a pen, a binder), STMIK Sinus paper bag, coffee break and lunch for two days, and STMIK calendar as well for only Rp. 60.000,00 contribution.

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